The Anglo-Saxon or Early Medieval period- 410AD – 1066AD
Roman writers told us much about Britain while it was a colony of their empire. When the Romans left their painstaking bureaucracy left with them.
Archaeological finds and written records are few which led to the centuries following their withdrawal being described as the ‘Dark Ages’. Raids by people from across the North Sea continued and changed the character of Britain. However, the term ‘Dark Ages’ does little justice to a period which saw a rich artistic culture under the Anglo-Saxons including epic poetry and intricate metalwork.
Shillington can trace its origins to this period and takes its name from Scyttel, a seventh century Anglo Saxon chieftain.

In the early 11th century Cnut ruled over an empire which included Denmark, Norway and much of England, including Shillington.
Were the Dark Ages really that dark? Find out more.