The Norman Conquest and High Medieval period 1066 – 1500
In 1066, William defeated Harold II in the Battle of Hastings and the Normans took control. He divided land not owned by Abbeys among his family and friends who were known as tenants-in-chief. In 1086, his survey of the country, the Domesday Book became the first document to tell us much about towns and villages. Words used by the Normans joined the English language.

Harold Rex interfectus est: King Harold is killed – Section from the Bayeux tapestry.
An increasing population ensured that all land was fully utilised but in 1349 a devastating disease, the Black Death, killed as many as half of the country’s population. Some of the arable land was no longer needed but farmers kept more sheep as wool was in demand and they prospered.
The economy and population recovered gradually and gave some of the survivors new opportunities.
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