No one bothered to record many of the changes that have affected this area since the war ended in 1945 and it was only later that people started missing some of the things that had gone.
Discover more about what went missing here.
What happens next?
Shillington, Pegsdon and Higham Gobion acquire more history as every day passes. Meanwhile, more people are interested in the past and researching their family histories. If you have information that we could add to this site or notice any errors, please contact us.

For the parish to prosper in the future, the local population must use its shops and pubs and other businesses. They must support its school, village hall, churches and social club. They must talk to their neighbours and passers-by. They must join its women’s institute, men’s club and other organisations and take part in quizzes, concerts and fetes.
Only if local residents take an interest in their surroundings and engage with others will the community thrive. The future is in their hands.